We have two great speakers at this month’s Third Monday and Third Tuesday social media meetups in Ottawa and Toronto.
On October 16, at Third Monday in Ottawa, Jon Husband will take us on an exploration of “the mashup culture of social media, and talk about how it is changing how messages are communicated. How do these innovations apply to the workplace? How are they changing collaboration? How do they change our relationship with the public and constituents?” Interesting questions.
The next night, October 17, Third Tuesday Toronto attendees will spend the evening in discussion with Globe and Mail technology writer Mathew Ingram. “A typical day for Mathew still includes researching and writing copy for tomorrow’s paper, but also populating the Globe’s “geekwatch” blog as well as his own, extremely popular, personal blog. With these added demands on his already limited time, how should PRs approach him? What stories are good blog fodder, and what will make it through to the dead tree version?
And why should you care where it goes? Mathew will also share his thoughts on why he started blogging, the difference between his personal blog and Geekwatch, the current crop of Web 2.0 technologies and his predictions on the evolution of social media.”
Sign up to attend Third Monday with Jon Husband or Third Tuesday with Mathew Ingram. I hope to see you there!