It should be apparent from the series of posts about Michael McDerment ’s and Saul Colt ’s session at Third Tuesday that Freshbooks is a very social media savvy organization.
Not only does CEO Michael McDerment blog, but at least five other employees also blog. And there will likely be more.
So the obvious question: What will you do if one of your employees messes up and gives out a company secret or does something to hurt the company? Do you try to curb your employees’ blogging?
Michael McDermont: “It comes back to hiring. You’ve got to find people with shared values. And at the end of the day you have to trust people. … That’s the best you can do.”
It strikes me that this is a problem for large organizations which, by their nature, lose the ability to ensure fit between employees and company culture. But having acknowledged that, for organizations that still are of a size where this is practical, McDerment focuses on exactly the right place – management’s hiring decisions and attitudes.
Other clips with Freshbooks’ Michael McDerment and Saul Colt :
A Fresh(books) approach to social media by Dave Fleet
Your next great business idea may be staring you in the face
Freshbooks: Don’t talk about the product. Talk about what it means to people
Freshbook Execs listen and respond to customers
Online media deliver results. But traditional media still add legitimacy