So, 9 days between posts. If you are still reading, I’m grateful.
Where have I been? Not on vacation, but getting ready for vacation.
I run a PR consulting company. In order to go on vacation, I must ensure that all of my client commitments are fulfilled and that all of the staff issues and requirements have been taken care of. That means that the pre-vacation period can turn into a multi-day sprint.
Happily, I’ve done what I had to do. Clients’ needs have been provided for. Employees have everything they need and want. And now, I can get away.
I expect that I will continue to blog while on vacation. Blogging has become a part of my routine. Reading social media exposes me to a constant stream of information and insights from others that fuels the impulse on my part to comment. So, as long as I’m in hotels that have broadband data feeds, I’ll probably post. I may miss a day or two, but I’ll post more often than not.
Kind of counterintuitive, isn’t it? Go dark for a week while at work. Then resume blogging during vacation.