Introducing Shrink-Wrap: What communicators can learn from Pokemon Go

I have been toying for a while with the idea of a short weekly video that goes into a little more detail on one of the hotter items I plan to include in my Friday Wrap, which I use to curate items of interest to communicators that have been published in the last week..

Each Friday afternoon, Shel Holtz publishes Friday Wrap, a quick-scan summary of the previous week’s articles and happenings in the world of communications and marketing that stood out for Shel.

Shel is well-known as one of the earliest and most prolific podcasters about public relations. He started the FIR podcast with Neville Hobson in 2005 and has been podcasting without break since then. Two years ago, he built on the success of FIR to create the FIR Podcast Network, which distributes a range of podcasts about topics of interest to communicators. (Disclosure: The podcast that I co-host with Gini Dietrich and Martin Waxman is an FIR podcast.)

Now, Shel is experimenting again. He has launched a weekly video podcast, Shrink Wrap. Think of it as a video version of Shrink-Wrap. The curation and judgment that goes into assembling the stories featured in the written version of Shrink Wrap, but with the ability to convey Shel’s personality. Yes, there’s a lot of additional information in an expression or tone of voice.

Take a look. Subscribe. I’m sure you’ll find it’s a worthwhile commitment of five minutes a week of your time.


Source: Introducing Shrink-Wrap: What communicators can learn from Pokemon Go