What topics would you like to have covered in a presentation on social media?

IABCI’ve been invited to talk about social media at a Professional Development session sponsored by the IABC Grand Valley chapter.

I’ve provided the organizers with this statement as a starting point for the discussion:

Social media is bringing about a revolution in public relations and organizational communication

The hard fact: To remain relevant and viable, PR must transform itself into a discipline that becomes part of communities and understands the values and mores of those communities

The good news: Our focus on earned media has taught us to focus on the interests and needs of the other party. So, unlike advertising, which focuses on amassing eyeballs and demanding attention, we are well situated to take advantage of this opportunity.

That’s just the starting point. The best discussions occur when the speaker addresses the questions that people really want to discuss (not just those about which he likes to spout off.)

What are the issues and topics that you’d like me to cover in this session?

If you plan to attend the session, leave a comment to let me know what you’re interested in discussing. I’ll tailor the session to your interests.