Help select the Third Tuesday Measurement Matters speakers
Today, I’m asking for your help in deciding which developers of social media measurement tools we should invite to speak at the Third Tuesday Measurement Matters conference.
If you could hear from the people behind the leading social media measurement tools talk about their approach to measurement, who would you most like to hear from?
Insight from the people who design measurement tools
We’ll provide an opportunity for the key architects of three of the leading social media measurement tools to speak at Third Tuesday Measurement Matters.
This won’t be a standard product sales pitch. Instead, we’ll ask the speakers to talk about the key social media measurement problems they set out to solve and the solution they’ve developed. We want to get insight into the leading edge of measurement. And we’ll also ask them to look ahead and give us some insight into the biggest social media measurement challenges they believe we must solve in the coming year.
Who would you like to hear from?
Which measurement providers do you consider to be the very best? What do they do especially well? What do you think we can learn from them?
Please give us your suggestions and opinions as a comment below.