Conversation with b5media's Jeremy Wright

I had a chance to talk with b5media‘s President, Jeremy Wright, when we were at Gnomedex.

Justin Kan by Laughing SquidWe opened the conversation with a discussion of b5media’s sponsorship of’s cap. (Justin Kan auctioned the space on the front of his hat during his presentation at Gnomedex. Jeremy paid $750 to have b5media’s logo on Justin’s cap for a month.) Bottom line: This type of stunt generates buzz among opinion leaders and influentials.

Jeremy also discussed the potential for bloggers to make a living from their blogs. It’s possible, but to make a full-time living you have to work at it full-time.

Finally, I asked about b5media’s growth plans. Look for Jeremy to mention in the last minute of the video that he’s working on licensing the b5media platform and deals to provide b5media’s ads to other large blogs.


Other related content:

Digging into b5media’s secrets

Blogging for Dollars

* Thanks to Laughing Squid / Scott Beale for the Photo of Justin in the b5media cap.

Linkworthy – Ma.gnolia, Gnomedex, Budget surprises

Why Ma.gnolia is one of my favorite social bookmarking tools

LinkworthyThomas Vander Wal’s post caused me to take a second look at Ma.gnolia as my preferred social bookmarking tool. Thomas says,

“In the past year or less [Ma.gnolia has] become more social in insanely helpful and kind ways. Not only does Ma.gnolia have groups that you can share bookmarks with but there is the ability to have discussions around the subject in those groups. Sharing with a group is insanely easy. Groups can be private if the manager wishes, which makes it a good test ground for businesses or other organizations to test the social bookmarking waters. I was not a huge fan of rating bookmarks as if I bookmarked something I am wanting to refind it, but in a more social context is has value for others to see the strength of my interest (normally 3 to 5 stars). One of my favorite social features is giving “thanks”, which is not a trigger for social gaming like Digg, but is an interpersonal expression of appreciation that really makes Ma.gnolia a friendly and positive social environment.”

Chris Pirillo reflects on Gnomedex past and future

I attended my Gnomedex for the first time this year. And like many others, I found it was a fantastic conference on the basis of the quality of the participants and the interactions in the hallways and lobbies. An eclectic group of smart, interesting people.

The experience in the conference proper was something different. It had some fantastic highs – Darren Barefoot, Guy Kawasaki, Gregg Spiridellis – mixed with some sessions that just didn’t cut it. So, a very uneven program.

Chris Pirillo (who has poured his heart and soul into giving people a great experience) has a very thoughtful post about this year’s conference and how to build on the experience to deliver a relevant, challenging conference next year. Chris’ intelligence in looking at the larger picture and his penchant for looking at things from a fresh perspective make me want to attend Gnomedex again next year. Even if you’ve never been to Gnomedex, link over to his post. I think the odds are that, when you do, you’ll find yourself subscribing to his feed. To read even a smattering of Pirillo makes you want to read more.

How to avoid budget over-runs

One of the worst experiences for both a creative firm and the client alike is to have a budget exceeded. It’s unpleasant to have to raise this with the client and definitely unpleasant to receive a call about this. The Canadian Marketing Blog offers some practical advice on how to lay the groundwork in advance to ensure that budgets don’t get blown away.

Robert Scoble on social media

Robert ScobleI had a chance at Gnomedex to ask Robert Scoble about his approach to the ecology of social media. How does he decide which social media to spend time with and what’s his current view about which tools are best for what functions.

Robert looks for the “doubling pennies,” the applications and sites that are growing rapidly and at an accelerating rate. His intent is to alert us to those hot spots. Right now, he sees Facebook as the most important of the new applications.


By the way, I apologize for the lighting. I’m still learning how to take decent videos. But I hope that you agree that the quality of Robert’s content compensates for the crude production values.

Related items:

BlogOrlando – the social Social Media conference

blogorlandoIf you can make it to Orlando at the end of September, don’t miss BlogOrlando.

The second BlogOrlando is scheduled for September 27-28, with a day at Disney World September 29. Demonstrating that the gift economy is real, social media thought leader Josh Hallett is bringing together a list of speakers for this one day free conference that other conferences rarely match. Really. I’ve paid hundreds of dollars to hear a lineup of speakers with less to say than Josh is delivering in Florida for free. And Disney World the day after for the family!

If you are interested in learning more about this great conference, watch this video interview I conducted with Josh when our paths crossed at Gnomedex earlier this month.


I plan to be attend and I know I’ll learn a lot and have spend some time with great people. So, you know I’m sincere about this. If you are anywhere near Orlando at the end of September, don’t miss BlogOrlando!

Oh, and did I mention that registration is free? Thank you Josh Hallett for putting your experience and network to use to benefit Florida and anyone who can attend or read about this great event!

Related items:

Build Pyramids for Good

One of the highlights of this year’s Gnomedex was Darren Barefoot‘s presentation on using your online presence to do good.

Darren pointed to several sites that enable individuals to sign up to make a personal contribution.

For example, naburr links you to causes that could use your skill set, icouldbe matches mentors to teens, and geekcorps draws on the skills of internet technologists to help expand Internet use in emerging nations.

Other sites, however, leverage people`s desire to make a contribution by providing them with the infrastructure and support necessary to extend the campaign directly into their community. For example:

  • Nothingbutnets is an online appeal for to help control the spread of malaria in Africa by sponsoring the purchase and distribution of mosquito nets. The site provides not only a means to make a personal contribution, but it also encourages donors to recruit teams of their friends and family to join them in extending the fundraising appeal. It features not only an onsite registration to create a team or sign up as a team member, but also offers a toolkits, posters and other paraphernalia that can be used by local organizers.
  • Givemeaning is building a community of contributors who identify causes and needs from anywhere around the world and then organizes appeals to support tangible projects related to these projects.

Darren`s message: Your impact can scale tremendously if you build “pyramid schemes for good.” Build infrastructure that helps others to do good. Don’t stop at making a personal contribution. Build something that encourages and assists others to contribute.

I recorded a brief interview with Darren after the session. I think his message is inspiring. I hope you do too.


Gnomedex – What happened to Joe's live blogging?

logo If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’re probably wondering why I’m not live blogging Gnomedex the same way I’ve liveblogged previous conferences.

Well, I’m trying something new. I’ve been carrying my video camera with me and grabbing interviews with some of the more interesting speakers and participants. So far, I’ve got video clips with Robert Scoble, Josh Hallett, Jeremy Wright, Darren Barefoot, and Chris Heuer. But if you’ve seem some of the videos I’ve already done, you know that I’m not yet very adept at production. And video production does take more time than writing.

I will post about Gnomedex over the next several days as I edit and produce the clips.

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Third Tuesday Vancouver is going to happen

Third Tuesday Vancouver organizersIt looks like the Third Tuesday Vancouver social media series of monthly events is a go. A dozen social media folks came out Monday evening to discuss bringing the events to Vancouver. At the end of the evening, new friendships had been made and the group agreed to launch the series.

Just before leaving Vancouver, I grabbed a quick video interview with Tod Maffin talking about Third Tuesday in Vancouver. I’ll post that as soon as I’m able to upload the video.

In the meantime, you can find out more by joining the Third Tuesday Facebook group or by joining the Third Tuesday Vancouver group on Tod has also created a Google Group.

Thanks to Tod Maffin, Tanya Davis, Jacqueline Voci, Kate Trgovac, John Biehler, Christine Rondeau, Steve Palmer, Michelle Sullivan (on loan from Montreal for the summer), Allyson McGrane, and Shane Birley for coming out for the session. It was great meeting you. The discussion showed again just how vigorous Vancouver’s social media community is.

I’m looking forward to coming out for Third Tuesday Vancouver sessions whenever I can make it to the west coast.

Let's talk about starting Third Tuesday in Vancouver

For the past year, Third Tuesday/Third Monday have provided the social media community in Toronto and Ottawa with a monthly opportunity to gather, hear from great speakers and talk about new developments in social media and social software.

Third Tuesday VancouverAs we look forward to this autumn’s season, we’re hoping to start up a Third Tuesday in Vancouver. Vancouver has a great community of social media thought leaders and innovators. So, it’s a natural for us to try to extend the events to Vancouver.

Several people, including Tod Maffin, Kate Trgovac, Tanya Davis, and Darren Barefoot (when he returns from his global jaunt) have said that they are willing to pitch in to make this happen.

I’ll be in Vancouver next week on my way to Gnomedex. So, we’re organizing a get-together to kick off the planning for the fall season. If you’d be willing to help with the organization of Third Tuesday Vancouver, we’d love to have you join us. Just leave a comment on this post or send an email to me and I’ll send you the coordinates of our get together as soon as we’ve finalized it.

We’d also welcome your suggestions for topics and speakers. Please feel free to leave a comment or send an email with your ideas about what we should cover and who might speak to it.