Measurement expert Katie Paine will be in Toronto speaking at the EMetrics Summit this week. But she’s also said that she’d like to get together with Toronto’s social media community in a less formal setting.
So, we’re organizing a special Third Tuesday Tweetup with Katie Paine.
How is this different from a regular Third Tuesday?
Well, we’ll have dinner in addition to our usual mixing and mingling. And instead of a presentation, Katie will suggest one or more topics that we can discuss as a group. For example, she’s already suggested we take a look at David Philips proposal for an online Advertising Potential Value.
So, this session will be for those who want to dive deep into social media measurement.
If you’d like to attend, you can register to attend on the Third Tuesday Toronto site. Please note that an admission of $20 must be prepaid to reserve and hold a spot at this event. We have only 40 seats. And I’m sure that we’ll be sold out. Our past experience has shown that an admission fee reduces the number of no shows to near zero. And that will make sure that no seat goes unfilled while others are on the waiting list.