Inside PR 2.14 – better late than never, I hope

Oops. We didn’t press the “publish” button on Inside PR 2.14 and then we didn’t discover it until the weekend when everyone was offline.

But, it’s published now. You can listen to it here.

As always, we’d welcome your comments and we’ll respond to them in the next episode.

Inside PR 2.11: Consolidation in the social media measurement business & the inevitability of disclosure

In this week’s episode of Inside PR, Gini Dietrich and I talk about summertime and the PR business. Is it cyclical. Does it have to slow down. What can we do to make best use of the slower summer days? Maybe close the office early every Friday?

Is summer slower at your company? What do you do to keep busy? To keep staff morale up? We’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below and we’ll use it in next week’s show.

We also talk about the acquisition of social media metrics company Sysomos by Marketwire, the latest in a series of social media metrics industry consolidations. I regularly use Radian6 and PostRank and think that social media metrics are a core tool for the new PR. Hopefully, consolidation will not stifle innovation in this area.

I also get a chance to make the point that organizations attempting to move opinion online should be transparent and disclose their interests from the outset. The recent controversy over the failure of the groups behind the Balanced Copyright Website to declare themselves underlines that, sooner or later, you’ll be forced to disclose who is behind online campaigns.

And, how could we close out the show without a quick pass at Prince’s statement that the Internet is over. Heck, after 30 years in the music industry, Prince still has us talking about him. So, I’m game to listen to what he has to say.

You can listent to all of our Inside PR musings here:

Inside PR Shownotes

0:28 Joe opens the show.

1:50 Joe talks about the summer slowdown.

6:12 Joe asks Inside PR listeners if summers are slower at their workplace and what they do to manage the lighter workload while keeping morale high.

7:10 Joe talks about the show’s first topic: Sysomos’ recent acquisition by Marketwire. He mentions a recent post by Dave Fleet about other social media monitoring tool acquisitions over the past year.

8:30 Gini talks about the various social media monitoring tools her business uses.

10:10 Joe shares his favourite social media monitoring tools.

17:12 Gini talks about Prince’s outrageous comment “The internet is over”.

21:45 Joe wraps up the show.

Our theme music was created by Damon de SzegheoRoger Dey is our announcer.

This week’s episode was produced by Yasmine Kashefi.

Inside PR 2.07 – Martin has Energi & Gini gets smashed

Martin Waxman and Gini Dietrich again join me for today’s episode of Inside PR after my solo effort last week.

This week, we have a chance to ask Martin about the just-announced merger of his firm, Palette PR, with Communications MECA to form a new company Energi PR.

We also discuss the reaction to Gini’s recent blog post in which she suggested that conference speakers shouldn’t show up in jeans. Many people feel strongly about this and they express their views, not always in polite terms.

Here are the complete shownotes.

0:28 Martin opens the show.

0:42 Joe brings up the G20 Summit and Martin and Joe discuss how it’ll effect Toronto and Public Relations agencies in the Toronto financial district.

3:03 Joe explains that the G20 Summit will have a negative impact on the business community.

3:43 Joe asks Gini about her bicycle accident she had last week.

5:45 Martin tells us about Energi PR.

15:32 Martin tells us how Darryl Salnero helped with shaping Energi PR.

18:19 Joe asks Gini about a recent blog post that got a lot of feedback – both positive and negative.

28:14 Martin wraps up the show.

Thanks to Inside PR’s Producer, Yasmine Kashefi, for editing and producing the audio as well as the shownotes.

Inside PR 2.01 – the torch is thrown

For four years and 200 episodes, Terry Fallis and David Jones informed and entertained us with their weekly Inside PR podcasts. But those late Sunday night recording sessions began to wear, and Terry and Dave decided to call it a day with episode 200.

But their co-host, Martin Waxman, had only joined at episode 100 – and he felt that he had another 100 or so episodes in him. So, with Terry and Dave’s approval, Martin decided to keep Inside PR going. But to do this, he needed to find another couple co-hosts.

Well, he has. First, he found Gini Dietrich, the blogging CEO of Arment Dietrich in Chicago. Then, he looked a little closer to home and found me. So, now we have three hosts in three cities – Toronto, Chicago and Ottawa.

I’m really keen to join Martin and Gini in keeping Inside PR alive. I’m a big believer in the culture of generosity. If I share what I know (or think I know), there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll get back equal or greater measure from the Inside PR community.

Our first effort – Episode 2.01 – is posted on the Inside PR Website. It’s a little rough. We had some technical glitches (we ended up recording my sections at a different time from Martin and Ginnie’s) and our chemistry still needs to be worked on.

But episode 2.01 is live. Now, on to the next 99.

Please give the new Inside PR team a listen and let us know what you think. Even better, let us know what you’d like us to cover as we keep the tradition of Terry and Dave alive.

I’m not Terry Fallis, but I’m trying.

Social Mediators 6 – Living with the iPad; Living with less PR podcasting

In this week’s episode of Social Mediators, Terry Fallis, Dave Fleet and I talk about some of the limitations of the iPad and changes to two of the longest running PR podcasts – Inside PR and For Immediate Release.

OK. OK. The iPad is selling like hotcakes. But I still think that Steve Jobs has made a mistake with the product by limiting its usefulness for content creation. Dave Fleet thinks that “Steve Jobs has always done  – what Steve Jobs wants to do.” Terry doesn’t see it as a mistake and expects that Apple will sell a “whack of them.” I think that the iPad takes us back to the era of creators and consumers. And I hope that competitors will push Apple to do better.

Also, after four years and 200 episodes of Inside PR, Terry Fallis and David Jones have given up podcasting. Martin Waxman will carry on with new co-hosts. Why did Terry quit? Partly fatigue. But also a sense that the show needs to be refreshed, that it will benefit from an infusion of new ideas.

We also talk about the changes to the longest running PR podcast – For Immediate Release – as Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson announced that they’ve cut back from two shows a week to a weekly podcast. FIR is a must listen for Terry, Dave and I and we’re glad that Shel and Neville are carrying on.

Inside PR live at Third Tuesday Toronto

The next Inside PR podcast will have a distinctly different sound to it – the hum and crackle of a live audience.

Terry Fallis, David Jones and Inside PR panelists Martin Waxman, Julie Rusciolelli and Keith McArthur recorded Episode 106 at Third Tuesday Toronto. And the room was packed with members of the Toronto social media community who participated in the episode, asking questions, offering comments and generally cheering on the production.

Episode 106 will be posted next Tuesday. To whet your appetite for the complete show, here’s a video segment of the panelists setting up and opening the podcast. The lighting is poor and from the rear (audio producers don’t always set up the room with video in mind.) But one thing you can see is that the only apparent element of advance scripting is David Jones reading the opening sequence from notes in his Moleskin. They really do make this stuff up as they record it.

Inside PR to kick off its Third Year at Third Tuesday Toronto

ThirdTuesdayTorontoWe’re planning a special Third Tuesday Toronto on April 2.

For the past two years, David Jones and Terry Fallis have recorded the Inside PR podcast every week without fail. That’s 104 episodes without a single missed week. And throughout this time, they’ve enlightened and entertained us with news, insight and humorous reflections on social media and the world of public relations and corporate communications. And not only are they still going strong, but with episode 101, Dave and Terry gave the podcast fresh energy by adding an Inside PR panel. So far, the panelists have included Martin Waxman, Keith McArthur, Julie Rusciolelli and Michelle Sullivan.

David and Terry also were among the original group of Third Tuesday Toronto organizers, along with Ed Lee and Chris Clarke.

Inside PRSo, what better way to kick off the Inside PR’s third year of podcasts than by recording Episode 105 live at Third Tuesday Toronto?

Register to attend to join Terry, Dave and the Inside PR panelists, for the recording of the 105th. episode of Inside PR. Bring your questions and comments and plan to participate in what should be a fun and memorable podcast.

As always, a special note of thanks to our sponsors, CNW Group. CNW covers the hard costs of Third Tuesdays, making it possible for us to stage these events free of charge to participants. Thank you CNW!